Our weekly timetable
For up to date timings, please refer to the calendar on the home page.
Monday | Pilates, Songtree, Youth Club |
Tuesday | Pilates, Badminton, Clubbercise |
Wednesday | Clubbercise, Slimming World |
Thursday | Pilates, Ceroc |
Friday | Pilates |
If you would like to bring your class here, please call us or pop in during office hours.
Contact :
Pilates – Joanne Lewis, 01635 255081, hantspilates@gmail.com
Clubbercise – Chris Burch,07979 417743, chrisburch428@gmail.com
Badminton – Linda Luff-Smith, 07880 666333, linda.luffsmith@gmail.com
Songtree Music with Rita – Rita Howell, 07717 053343, rita.jamie@googlemail.com
Slimming World – Karen Cutler karen.cutler1@btinternet.com
Ceroc – Val Rokov, 07958 587256, val@cerocpr.co.uk