Main Hall booking fees and availability

The Fieldgate Centre’s Main Hall is a universal space available for hire for any large event or occasion.

It’s a perfect space for theatrical productions, with its permanent stage and theatrical lighting rig, or for children’s parties when the youngsters need space to run around and let off a little steam. The hall is used throughout the year for classes and as an indoor badminton court.  At Christmas the hall is decorated and used for carol evenings and seasonal parties.

A spacious 50′ x 25′ the Main Hall can seat  up to 150.

The Main Hall features:

  • Commercial grade, durable  wooden floor with a high grade seal
  • Free flow options into the bar and social area with a retractable dividing wall
  • Professional light and sound equipment
  • Permanent stage
  • Theatrical lighting rig
  • Studio mirror wall
  • Badminton court
  • Direct access to patio, enclosed garden and petanque terrain
  • Hire of the main hall includes shared use of the social area and access to the kitchen

Main Hall Hire Charges

Community and Private Hirers

Day Daytime
9am – 6pm
(per hour)
6pm to close
(per hour)
(4 hours or more)
(4 hours or more)
Whole Day
Sunday to Thursday £20.00 £25.00 £79.00 £100.00 £131.00
Friday £21.00 £27.00 £86.00 £110.00 £158.00
Saturday £25.00 £31.00 £100.00 £126.00 £210.00

Please contact the office for details of Community, or Commercial, Regular Hire (6 sessions or more).

Get in touch

Our office is open 9.30pm-1pm on Wednesdays.

Emails received outside of these time will be responded to as soon as possible. Office staff are part time so please allow for this when awaiting responses.

An appointment can be made to visit by contacting the office.

Telephone: 01635 298497


Kingsclere Community Association.  Registered Charity No. 1168366.